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Roll Cage Joiners for Fuel Line Clearance

I've removed the engine in order to flip the shell on the rotisserie and complete all the brake & fuel lines underneath the car but while the engine was still installed, I figured out the best route for the fuel lines (feed, return & vent) within the engine bay. The steel fuel lines would follow the same route as the factory set up - from the tank, under the car on the passengers side and up the firewall.

To ensure a smooth bend of the rubber hoses that lead from the steel fuel lines at the firewall to the injector rail (for fuel feed & return) the steel lines had to stop half way up the firewall and have a bend formed at the end of each of the lines.

The problem with these bends on the firewall is that the brace bar between the front subframe towers would hit the fuel lines when I try and fit or drop the subframe.

I had the idea to make a small part of the subframe brace removable by making some roll cage joiners. Firstly, I cut a section out of the subframe brace to be the removeable piece :

I found a fellow Mini owner near me who was prepared to let me use his mill for a few hours and using some ~30mm rod, I milled some flat sections into the rod.

The paired pieces were then machined down to size on the lathe and drilled/tapped to suit an M8 bolt

and then welded into place

Now when fitting or removing the subframe, the small length of the brace can be temporarily removed and the fuel lines can stay in situ. The angle of the bend at the end of the lines ended up being 45 degrees.
